Contents on this website (including texts, photographs and graphics) are the sole property of Angela Padilla, and except as stated below cannot be used without written permission.
Original patterns, instructions and tutorials created by Angela Padilla are copyrighted. Therefore, the following guidelines will apply:
The use of any original pattern, instructions and tutorials on this website (free or otherwise) are limited to individual and personal use. Sharing or distributing any of these patterns in any form is not allowed.
Original patterns, instructions and tutorials cannot be used for commercial purposes, unless written permission is granted.
Credit for original patterns from this website should be included if displayed in any manner (such as a quilt show or exhibit).
Individual users may enlarge or reduce the size of the patterns for their personal use, but in no other way alter them.
Guilds interested in reproducing these patterns for non-commercial purposes must first obtain written consent. An e-mail message to will do, indicating the interest of the group in using these patterns.
Teachers may reproduce these patterns for a small fee. Once again, written consent is needed for this purpose. Please address your request to
The sale, alteration, commercial use or any other use of these patterns not indicated in these copyright terms is not allowed.
Downloading and/or printing of any photographs and/or graphics on this website is not allowed, with the exception of those included in free or paid downloadable patterns and/or instructions and tutorials.
Downloading and/or printing of any photographs from the Quilt Gallery are not allowed.
The sale, alteration, commercial use or any other use of any photograph and/or graphic on this website not indicated in these copyright terms is not allowed.
Copying, altering, reproducing and/or distributing any of the contents of this website, other than that indicated in the paragraphs above, is not allowed.