
It's time to switch up your decor. Think Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! And cover up all your walls accordingly!
Merry Kissmas!
Ready for a little whimsy and a whole load of fun? Then this particular project is sure to tickle yo..
Peeping Tom Cats
If you're a cat lover get ready for some fun with these whimsical felines to celebrate the Chris..
Penguin Snow Globe
Now part of a growing collection, this little snow globe wall hanging is fourth in the series. Sew t..
Roses and Tulips
Dive into a garden of delight with the "Roses and Tulips" quilt pattern, embodying a simple, moder..
Sandy Clause
A dozen charming kittens grace this fun quilt. If you, too, share a home with a feline friend, you w..
Santa Lucia God Jul
Folk art style, this lovely little wall hanging is perfect for your Lucia Day decor!Finished size: 1..
Santa Snow Globe
This little applique snowglobe wallhanging is the second of its kind and is as cute as cute can be! ..
Santa's Reindeers
Could things get any cuter? Santa's reindeer are absolutely darling, don't you think? This l..
Scandinavian Tree
Capture the magic of a Scandinavian Christmas with the "Scandinavian Tree" quilted wall hanging pa..
Shellebrate the Season
Do you live in a southern, warm climate? Or are you a true beach bum and choose the seaside to spen..
Snow Angels
Create a charming quilted wall hanging with a whimsical animal theme. This delightful pattern show..
Snow Pals
Customize this adorable wall hanging by making it vertical or horizontal... the choice is yours! Fin..
Snowflake Angel Wall Hanging
Create an elegant quilted Christmas wall hanging with this easy-to-follow pattern. An angel gracef..
Snowman Snow Globe
Are you a snow globe collector? Then here's a new one to add to your collection! This little pat..
Snowman Soup
Chase away the cold this winter with a steamy, hot cup of cocoa while you snuggle for warmth under t..
Stacked Up Christmas
The silhouettes are simple enough, and with a touch of color they become an whimsically elegant desi..
The Christmas Express
Fun, fun, fun! Start this project early in the year, to make sure it's ready for Christmas! Patt..
The Christmas Patch
This fun and whimsical sampler wall hanging will be fun to work on in preparation for the holiday se..
Twelve Days of Christmas
Celebrate the season with this wonderfully whimsical lap quilt inspired by the beloved holiday. G..
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Ugly Christmas Sweaters Quilt Pattern PDF Need a little laugh during the hectic holiday season? Ha..